03.04.2023 - IPMA
During the month of March 2023, we welcomed aboard RV Mário Ruivo students from several classes of the D. Maria Pia Education and Development Center in Lisbon.
During the month of March, several classes from the D. Maria Pia Education and Development Center visited us at the Port of Lisbon to learn about the Research Vessel (RV) Mário Ruivo. The students learned about the ship’s functions as an oceanographic research platform supporting the activities of the Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere, I.P. (IPMA) and about the institute’s responsibilities in the area of the sea.
The visits were made by the team of IPMA’s Research Vessels and Observatories Group (NNIO) with the support of the crew who, in addition to providing explanations about the operation of the ship, talked about the life and functions of maritime professionals. The support of the Port of Lisbon is gratefully acknowledged.