04.10.2024 - IPMA
The PRR-Eólicas oceanographic campaign was carried out on board the research vessel Mário Ruivo between 20 August and 30 September 2024

As part of the PRR RP-C21-i07.01: Technical Studies for Offshore Energy Potential project by IPMA, the first oceanographic campaign was carried out on board the research vessel Mário Ruivo to carry out geophysical surveys to characterise the areas proposed for the installation of offshore wind energy generation infrastructures.

The aim of the campaign is to contribute to the bathymetric, morphological and geological characterisation of the area using acoustic systems. During the geophysical survey phase, a set of data was acquired that provides information on the surface and subsurface of the seabed.

The campaign, which took place between 20 August and 30 September 2024, was carried out by international and national specialist teams and included the use of hull and towed acoustic equipment, which enabled the altimetric mapping of the seabed, as well as an initial assessment of its constitution. The campaign, coordinated by IPMA’s Geology and Marine Geo-Resources Division, resulted in the acquisition of a total of 2166 kilometres of reflection seismic, bottom profiler, multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter navigation lines.

Once this basic characterisation has been obtained, a new campaign is planned for 2025, which will cover all the areas to be concessioned in Leixões and Figueira da Foz.
