In the first phase of the project, the RV Mário Ruivo was adapted with technical changes, including the establishment of scientific laboratories, to allow fishing operations and to support the operation of ROV.
The second phase aiming for the acquisition of several scientific equipment that will allow to upgrade the RV Mário Ruivo and improve the robustness of studies related with the application of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, minimizing the impacts on marine ecosystems.
In the first phase of the project, the RV Mário Ruivo was adapted with technical changes, including the establishment of scientific laboratories, to allow fishing operations and to support the operation of ROV.
The second phase aiming for the acquisition of several scientific equipment that will allow to upgrade the RV Mário Ruivo and improve the robustness of studies related with the application of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, minimizing the impacts on marine ecosystems.
Instituto Português
do Mar e da Atmosfera, I.P., Portugal
Institute of Marine Research, Noruega
Through the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are partners, in the internal market, of the Member States of the European Union. As a way of promoting a continuous and balanced strengthening of the economic and trade relations, the parties of the European Economic Area Agreement have established a Multiannual Financial Mechanism, known as the EEA Grants.
The EEA Grants objectives are to reduce the economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area and strengthening the bilateral relations between beneficiary and donor countries. https://www.eeagrants.gov.pt/
Phase 1 | |
Total budget | 12.941.176€ |
EEA Grant | 11.000.000€ |
National contribution | 1.941.176€ |
Phase 2 | |
Total budget | 2.500.000€ |
EEA Grant | 2.000.000€ |
National contribution | 500.000€ |
Real-time location marinetraffic.com.
User Information
Required documents
on boarding the vessel
For further information
please contact
For further information regarding the Seafarer’s Medical certificate please visit the list of doctors approved by the Directorate-General for Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services (DGRM).
An insurance covering personal accidents/work accidents for the whole duration of the participation in the research campaign.
Undertaking Research in Marine
Special Areas of Conservation
Conducting marine scientific research within Special Areas of Conservations is subject to acquisition of a permit from the Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas. For undertaking marine scientific research within these areas complete and submit the form entitled ‘Application Form to Conduct Marine Scientific Research at Portuguese Special Areas of Conservation‘.
Application to Undertake
Research in Foreign Waters
If there is intention of conducting all or part of a survey in foreign waters, then an ‘Application to Conduct Scientific Research in Foreign Waters‘ for the country in question must be completed and submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) for authorization. A seven month period notice is required.
For further information
please contact