Ocean research and monitoring have just received a significant boost with the launch of IPMA’s digital platform . Developed as part of the “Atlantic Observatory – Data and Monitoring Infrastructure” Project, funded by EEA Grants, this innovative tool aims to transform the way of oceanographic data is accessed and used in Portugal, such as data on physical and chemical parameters (e.g. temperature, current velocity) and biological data (e.g. phytoplankton, bivalve molluscs).
platform emerges in response to the need to aggregate and provide marine data and information from the Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) and other entities working in the Atlantic basin, ensuring their integrity, perpetuity, and interoperability, in accordance with the FAIR Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and following the most relevant best practices of the European Union, such as the INSPIRE Directive. The platform is a fundamental element in the value chain of ocean observation, promoting the principle of “measure once, use multiple times,” serving as a bridge between observatories and end-users, enhancing data and its integration at various levels of society, but also facilitating the interaction between all the stakeholders involved in the blue economy
platform can be summarised into three components:
- Data Protocols – which allow data to be aggregated into a repository (database);
- Metadata Catalogue – which allows users to find and use information about the data through a structured system that is easy to navigate;
- Visualisers and data sharing – public screens for accessing and downloading data, through a user-friendly interface that facilitates the marine environment data sharing .
Find out more about this innovative tool and how it contributes to provide access to high-quality marine data covering the Atlantic basin at: